Friday, May 1, 2009

Cross-Training Supplements Your Running Routine

A lot of runners forget to balance their routine with other sports like swimming, weight training, and even stretching. Big mistake. This can lead to muscle imbalance and injury. Even loss of attractiveness to those in the opposite camp. OK, just joking on that last bit.

The downside of indulging in other sports activities is the cost, of course. Some sports, like cycling, can make a major dent in the bank account. That's something to think about in today's recessionary economy when everybody is on pins and needles about their jobs.

One solution is to join a gym as kind of a one-size-fits-all approach. Prices vary but for example, my plan at 24 Hr Fitness is just $20 per month. For that I can swim, toss around heavy objects, take spinning classes, and do hillwork workouts on the treadmill.

As a matter of fact, I can train in all three disciplines I need for triathlon, plus all the extras. Like using their hot water for my daily shower. They were even pretty good about keeping the soap dispensers loaded until lately. Small price to pay; I bring my own.

Regardless of how you go about it, cross-training for fitness is critical as we age. Especially the stretching part. A chiropractor friend (my swimming coach, incidentally) once told me that what made old folks falling down and breaking things more common was loss of flexibility. Makes 'em wobble rather than bend.

Don't let this happen to you. Get out there and move!

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