Saturday, May 9, 2009

Those Rascally Hash House Harriers

As I was brain-straining for an engaging topic for my page over at, I recalled with fondness the one and only time I hashed. Even though this running niche has spread all over the globe, only a small percentage of runners have ever hashed.

Come to think of it, not that many really understand what it's all about.

There are clubs (kennels) in most metropolitan areas but the collective is known as the Hash House Harriers. The concept began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by a group of British officers. It was basically a hare and hounds concept.

Much of the frivolity went away temporarily during WWII, but the sport was too spunky to go quietly into that long night. Soon, like swine flu, it crept across the globe. As Zippy would say, "Frivolity is a stern taskmaster!"

What makes this kind of running different from trail runs, track meets, and other kinds of running events? Most folks would reply, "Beer, lots and lots of beer."

It's true. There is always beer at the finish line, along with "the circle". The post-run festivities include initiating hash "virgins", re-initiating "re-boots", singing bawdy songs, and slinging insults in a decidedly good humor.

You don't need to have a lot of speedwork training under your belt for these events, but a little hillwork wouldn't hurt. Basic trail running too. Many hashes are on trails, but not all. The hares just need a location where they can lay a confusing trail to try to follow.

Prepare to put a lot of wear and tear on your running shoes if the trail gets into the shiggy.

So if you find yourself in a running rut, shake it up with a hash. It's the most running fun you'll have. Trust me.

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